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Directions - how to get here

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How to get to Hotel Amadeus in Halmstad

Whether you're travelling by plane to Halmstad airport, by train or bus to the station, or choose to drive here, it's easy to find us. If you're travelling by public transport, the bus stop Halmstad Västerbro is about a three-minute walk from the hotel.

By Car
Coming from the south on the E6, take exit 43 towards Halmstad S. Drive on Laholmsvägen/road 15, take the second exit onto Laholmsvägen at the roundabout and follow the road until it becomes Viktoriagatan. Follow Viktoriagatan over the Slottsbron and continue straight on Slottsgatan. Take the second exit at the roundabout onto Timmermansleden. Turn right onto Skeppargatan, then right onto Brogatan and after about 100 metres, turn onto Hvitfeldtsgatan. The hotel is on the right side.

Driving from the north on the E6, take exit 45 towards Norra infartsleden/road 26. Turn right onto Norra infartsleden/road 26 and continue straight onto Järnvägsleden. Turn left onto Fogdegatan, then right onto Bissmarksgatan. At the end of Gunillaparken, turn right onto Backhausgatan, then left onto Nordbanegatan and finally left again onto Hvitfeldtsgatan. The hotel is on the left side.

The nearest airport is Halmstad City Airport, which is approximately three kilometres from the hotel.

Train and Bus
Public buses run from the train and bus station Halmstad C. The nearest bus stop to the hotel is called Halmstad Västerbro. From the bus stop, it takes about three minutes to walk to the hotel.

On Foot
If you choose to walk from Halmstad C, follow Bredgatan (straight ahead from the station building) all the way down to the Nissan River. Take a right onto Strandgatan and then cross Slottsgatan at the pedestrian crossing. Cross diagonally over the park with the Picasso sculpture and cross the Österbron.

Follow Brogatan straight ahead for about 400 metres until you reach Karl XI's road. Cross Karl XI's road and continue along Brogatan straight ahead. Take the second street on the right. The hotel is located at the intersection of Stenvinkelsgatan / Hvitfeldtsgatan on the right-hand side.