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Accommodation in Härnösand

Book your stay at First Hotel in Härnösand and choose between 95 bright and airy rooms. Located by the harbourfront, the hotel lets you choose between room categories that include Single Rooms, Double Rooms, Family Rooms and Suites. All rooms are non-smoking and offer comfortable beds, complimentary WiFi and bathrooms with showers or bathtubs. The hotel is located within close proximity of scenic nature and ski slopes. Breakfast is included.

Room selection and price example

Economy Single with shared shower, from 722 SEK

Room fits:
Size: 13 m²
Our Economy Single Room with shared shower is slightly smaller than our Standard Single Room, and has a 105 cm wide single bed. The rooms have a bathroom with toilet and sink. Shower is available in our relaxation area.
Bed and capacity
Furnished with a 105 cm bed.

Standard Single, from 903 SEK

Room fits:
Size: 18m²
The Standard Single Rooms range in size from 18 m² and are furnished with a 105 cm bed.
Bed and capacity
Furnished with a 105 cm bed.

Standard Double, from 1,045 SEK

Room fits:
Size: 20 m²
The Standard Double Rooms range in size from 20 m² and are furnished with 105 cm wide twin beds.
Bed and capacity
Furnished with 105 cm wide twin beds.

Superior Family, from 1,330 SEK

Room fits:
Size: 30m²
The Superior Family Rooms offer extra comfort and space for the whole family.
Bed and capacity
Furnished with comfortable 105cm wide twin Jensen beds.

Junior Suites, from 1,463 SEK

Room fits:
Size: 30m²
Our Junior Suites offer extra comfort and space for the whole family. They feature a private balcony and are furnished with comfortable 105cm wide twin Jensen beds.

First SmartBed Double, from 1,150 SEK

Our spacious and quiet SmartBed rooms feature adjustable beds where the firmness of the mattress is easily adjusted using a hand control.
Bed and capacity
The rooms are furnished with two 90 cm wide single beds which is perfectly suited for those who wishing a better sleep experience.