Workout Weekend package
Join us at Billingehus for a day of fun with different workouts, take part in lectures on well-being that focuses on how you can create the conditions for success with your training.The workout gives challenges and training joy regardless of your earlier trainnglevel.

Workout weekend at Billingehus 27 april
- Workout program (se program below)
- Morning coffee with coffee, fruit and bars
- Lunch incl. still table water
- Afternoon coffee with coffee, fruit and smoothies
- 2-course dinner incl. still table water
- Accommodation, part in double room
- Free entrance to Yama Spa & Fitness
- Fri parking and Wifi
Lets get togheter with:
Angelica Ahlrik - Personal Trainer
Victoria Jaconelli - Entrepreneur in positive psychology and well-being
9.00-9.45 Introduction
9.45-10.30 Functional weight liftin - with your own body weight and equipment
10.45-11.30 Lecture - 5 ways to retain exercisejoy
11.45-12.30 HIIT pulse
12.30-13.15 Lunch
13.15-14.00 Lecture - How do we avoid not fall back into old patterns
14.15-15.00 Tabata - core
15.15-16.30 Yoga - Hatha yoga with a focus on opening up, making space for new energy with the help of breathing and relaxation exercises.
Price: 695 SEK per person
For you that want´s to join our daypackage:
- Workout program (se program below)
- Morning coffee with coffee, fruit and bars
- Lunch incl. still table water
- Afternoon coffee with coffee, fruit and smoothies
For more information please contact us:
46 500 - 44 57 00 /
Ordering and stay period
Applies for bookings 27 of april 2019
From 1390 SEK per person